Donald Trump insists he has 'complete power' to pardon

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xenoview's picture
Donald Trump insists he has 'complete power' to pardon

US President Donald Trump has insisted he has the "complete power" to pardon people, amid reports he is considering presidential pardons for family members, aides and even himself.

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LogicFTW's picture
If powerful evidence comes

If powerful evidence comes out of impeachable evidence on tRump, and he pardons himself and his family, and politicians/the American people take do not quickly get rid of tRump for this travesty of justice, I am fleeing the country even at great cost to myself and my immediate family.

I will preferably move to a country that has a high amount % wise of atheist like Australia or New Zealand that also mostly speak english. (I suck at learning new languages that are not computer languages.)

mykcob4's picture
The president may pardon

The president may pardon anyone for any offense EXCEPT for IMPEACHMENT! He may not pardon retroactively according to law. Meaning he cannot pardon himself for things that he may do in the future. Also accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt and is automatically annotated as a confession of guilt of a crime.
Trump is acting just like Putin when Putin was dismantling the Russian democratic government. I wonder where Trump got that idea!

algebe's picture
Oh dear. Did you elect a

Oh dear. Did you elect a president or a king?

Sky Pilot's picture
And we thought Nixon was a

And we thought Nixon was a crook.

Randomhero1982's picture
As a Brit, I must admit.. it

As a Brit, I must admit.. it was funny at first! Now though......

There should be an IQ test to run for office!

watchman's picture
" considering presidential

" considering presidential pardons for family members, aides and even himself" ...

Just a thought..... isn't the issuing of pardons only applicable if wrong doing has been proven ...?

and if this is the case then is this the Umpa Lumpa in chief admitting to transgressions ..... ?

Amber Horner's picture
umpa lumpa LOL, good

umpa lumpa LOL, good visual there and might I add, not too far off!

Nyarlathotep's picture
Acceptance of a pardon is an

Acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt.

mbrownec's picture
Is "x" legal or illegal? That

Is "x" legal or illegal? That can (and maybe) determined by the law or legal precedents ... as seen by a particular judge, or by a majority opinion by a court of judges. As such, a legal determination is mostly determined by the acting judge(s). Enough said.

What about the question of ethics?

For 32 years I was involved in the financial services industry. I could have lost my license(s) to operate for ethical issues that were not per se illegal.

Alembé's picture
Even though he can pardon

Even though he can pardon people for crimes against the US Government, he cannot issue pardons for crimes prosecuted by individual states.

District Attorneys in New York, Maryland and Virginia await in anticipation.

LogicFTW's picture
Good to know.

Good to know.

MCDennis's picture
A presidential pardon is a

A presidential pardon is a right granted to the President of the United States by the U.S. Constitution to forgive a person for a crime, or to excuse a person convicted of a crime from punishment.... except the President cannot pardon himself for Impeachment. Sorry Donny.

Amber Horner's picture
Why doesnt he just ask Jebus

Why doesnt he just ask Jebus to pardon him?

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I hear this clown is trying

I hear this clown is trying to Pardon himself.

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