Here is a fantastic story I cannot explain:
I was fortunate enough to make it to Tibor's talk on his NDE at the Bristol Quaker meeting house last night (300 Gloucester Road). Tibor spoke for about two hours through a translator, detailing his life story, the NDE and giving a brief account of the main messages he brought back with him. The work that has grown out of the experience will be the subject of tonight's discussions (7.30pm, same venue). There were several very interesting features of the NDE - as Tibor was on a life support system in intensive care at the time his physical functions, or lack of them, were monitored and therefore externally verifiable. He was without a heart beat for 9 minutes. His own curiosity meant that while out of his body - in what he described as a see-through (etheric) body, that none the less felt completely him - meant that he was particularly observant and mentioned details that were easily verifiable and not explicable by ordinary means. For instance, he noted in the room next to his bed that a nurse was loading a trolley with equipment and dropped a syringe, which rolled under a cabinet. He had a look at the syringe and noted a letter printed on one side and number on the other. From what I could gather these were not externally visible but inside a wrapped package, suggesting that he had the kind of 'see through' vision that Edgar Cayce, the American spiritual healer, deployed. (This would probably correspond to the type of X-ray vision that Theosophist's link to the astral and etheric bodies, rather than the synoptic 'knowing' of the mental body). He heard the nurse talk to her husband on the phone as her children were ill and needed to see a doctor. She told her husband where the doctor's no. was written in the phone book. He was interested to see the husband and found himself instantly in their flat, with the husband looking through the phone book. He noted that the man was wearing white socks with animals going round the top, which struck him as incongrous. He had a good look at the rest of the flat when he was there. These and other details were verified by a very shaken doctor who asked him when he came round what he had seen. This doctor had been literally on top of him during this time, attempting to revive his heart.
Tibor was taken by his guide (recognised as a very loving figure he knew well - it was left open who this figure was but the way it was phrased he/she could have been conflated with God or a God-figure) to the place of life review. He described the feeling of an escalator coming to an abrupt halt at the place where he 'got off' and was shown two screens, a bit like a split screen cinema. The larger bottom screen showed his life as he had lived it, and the smaller one above it what should have happened if he had made better life choices.He was able to feel the pain he had caused others, and concluded that the greatest fault was indifference, rather than bad actions per se. He was evidently mortified at the choices he had made in life and asked for a chance to warn others that they needed to live better lives while they still had the chance. In line with other NDE, regression accounts, there was no sense of external judgment, it was his conscience that caused him so much grief. He was then asked three questions (by his guide/God/Elder?), to which he had to answer negatively: (1) Have you lived a life? (2) Have you lived a human life? and (3) Could you hold your head up as a human being and look your fellow human beings in the eye? He said that when Ron Moody had visited Hungary and interviewed him he confirmed that he had heard these same three questions from many other accounts (I don't remember them in print but it is many years since I read Moody's books).
Having finally met and been embraced by his 'family' (soul group - described as blue energy) he was taken by them to the threshold - seen almost literally as pearly gates - of a country he described as home, only to be told that he had asked to return. He was mortified to realise that his request to tell others to live better lives was stopping him enter his home, particularly has he had had a very difficult and rather love-less life, and was finally happy. He nevertheless was taken back to the intensive care ward and asked to be given a task, if he must, with great reluctance, return. He was told that his task was to 'be happy'. This was repeated several times before he re-entered his body. Having met Tibor it is clear that he has been working on this task and he conveys a wonderful sense of warmth and unpretentious spirituality.
If one wishes to look at Tibor's experience - and there is much more too it than I have given here - through the categories used by Michael Newton, Robert Schwartz and others, one could say that Tibor came from an advanced soul group - denoted by the blue of their energy field - and had chosen a particularly difficult life in order to catch up or to advance quickly. He died feeling that he had failed in this and was given another chance to advance. He did not use this analysis himself and I don't know whether he would go along with it, but it would certainly fit with what I observed and felt in his presence. I felt that he was very hard on himself and that if he considered his life had been a failure in spiritual terms he was setting himself very high standards as he had evidently displayed enormous courage in overcoming numerous external and psychological obstacles.
If there is anyone in the Bristol area who wants to meet Tibor he will be at the Quaker meeting house in Bristol at 7.30.
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Does Tibor Putnoki prove life after death?
(Look at the dates..... this is an extract of a blog from 2010......are you suggesting that someone proved "survival" back then...and then kept it a secret for 7 years ...... Sorry ..... just another story....)
Why did Tibor Putnoki wait 7 years to say anything? How can it be verified? He makes claims about seeing things, none of which can be verified. He hasn't proven an afterlife. None of what he claims can be tested or peer reviewed.
Jeez. All the references to "Near" death experiences. If you really want to convince us of anything 'after' this life, bring some DEATH experiences! You know, where people were actually dead, not just clinically dead, for awhile and then returned.
So how much more of this foolishness you got?
a story would never justify belief