Does religion domonstrate evolution?

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Tom Haynes's picture
Does religion domonstrate evolution?

Now, DON'T FREAK OUT by this question which I have asked.... although some of my fellow atheists could flip at the sight of seeing religion and evolution in the same sentence

So instantly you think that I am mad, but do not fear, pro-atheist debate is here.

I agree, as a concept, both are completely opposite ideologies, although one has overwhelming scientific proof of its existence. That being the beautiful and magnificent natural process of evolution in species.

Despite this I propose that the two are more relatable than what you might imagine and in fact that religion for some is a product of evolution, or an error in evolution if you prefer.

In fact I feel that a fundamental reason for having faith demonstrates an innate psychological trait that is attributable evolution. This is the fear of dying.

A key concept of any faith is that of the afterlife, heaven, eternity in paradise and thus showing a drive for immortality. Who doesn't want that right? .....the answer is everyone does.

This is part of our raw psychology and is relatable to the work of Richard Dawkins himself when referring to the Selfish Gene.

The fact that we are driven by our genes to survive, replicate and protect the transition of them means that the desire for immortality is all but natural and so is explainable by evolution. Infinite survival is survival of the fittest if I can put it that way.

The only difference is that religion is a mechanism, ultimately created by man, by which some people use to satisfy this need to survive.

Thus despite it being false, its in a way for some people a genetically driven placebo to give the fake impression of survival which is innate to evolution.

Therefore in some respects, theism is a product of evolution and for us atheist's out there, this relationship can be invaluable in arguing our cause of demonstrating evolution in there fundamental belief.

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AU_Tyler_AU's picture
I like this idea but it would
DesolateProphet's picture
I have seen this same premise
Shock of God's picture
I see that, in your original
efpierce's picture
Thank you Shock of God for
firebolt's picture
The real question should be
mattyn's picture
In some ways I don't think
Zaphod's picture
I still hold my belief that
SammyShazaam's picture
hold my belief that society
Zaphod's picture
I think religion evolves to
CyberLN's picture
SammyShazaam's picture
I can see that the idea of

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