Do You Think it is Rational to Believe in a God?

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Shock of God's picture
Do You Think it is Rational to Believe in a God?

Many atheists in the world today do not only disbelieve religion, they also denounce it, sayings things like it is poisonous, delusional, or even ignorant or stupid; but many Christians would disagree. Do you think belief in a god is rational, or do you think it defines ignorance? Can a person be religious and logical at the same time?

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Rob's picture
Just think of all the goods
Zaphod's picture
Do I think belief in God is
Pathway Machine's picture
I think that any side of the
Zaphod's picture
PM, really enjoying your
Pathway Machine's picture
Sure, Zaphod, from the sacred
Zaphod's picture
The people come and go in
Pathway Machine's picture
That people come and go is
SammyShazaam's picture
Thanks for the compliment,
Chey97.'s picture
Though I'm Atheist I can
Zaphod's picture
I agree with Shay here, I
Chey97.'s picture
The way fair weather friends
sarahevanston's picture
What's rational for some may
Boogie13's picture
You need to follow some rules
ginamoon's picture
I am a believer so I could
Spewer's picture
I think it doesn't matter
SammyShazaam's picture
The concept that we don't

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