Do you even know your "holy word"?

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Austin Hodge's picture
Do you even know your "holy word"?

I have a question for all of you theists out there: have you *actually* read your "words of god"? The Bible, the Qu'ran, etc. Because, from what I've seen, barely any of you (other than Pastors, Priests, Etc.) have actually read the full [insert religious text here]! It *enrages* me that you are so hypocritical, claiming you know the word of god better than anybody else, when the *atheists* are the ones who have actually read the texts!. That's *why* we're atheists! Because we saw how much crap was in those texts and said "Wow, how could I have believed this? This looks like it may have been written when somebody was tripping out." So, I ask of you theists out there of *one thing*. Read through your religious texts, come back here, and tell me, no, tell *us* if you honestly still believe it all.

I eagerly await your responses, theists.

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ThePragmatic's picture
Pew Research, from 2010.
Austin Hodge's picture
Going over this, I realized I
ThePragmatic's picture
Sure, some specific
Travis Hedglin's picture
Tell them the holy word of's picture
I am a Christian, and i read
ThePragmatic's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
"1. No you did not read the's picture
It was asked of me what this
ThePragmatic's picture
@Believer's picture
You're making the assumption
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"my belief was only ever
ThePragmatic's picture
Hello mr pragmatic,
CyberLN's picture
"But thats not the point,
Travis Hedglin's picture
I think he means that he
ThePragmatic's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
"It was asked of me what this
Austin Hodge's picture
"No matter what a theist says's picture
So ummm, i dont know if you
Nyarlathotep's picture
"So ummm, i dont know if you
Austin Hodge's picture
Ye-no... As science seems to
Travis Hedglin's picture
It depends on whether you are's picture
Also, let me just reiterate
Travis Hedglin's picture
Science is a branch of
Thackerie's picture
Believer -- why would I ever's picture
Three things Mr. Thackerie,
Anonymous's picture
Believer-You are in good
Austin Hodge's picture
Dear Fred,


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