Do you believe there's a heaven/hell?

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Onwem's picture
Do you believe there's a heaven/hell?

I used to believe there was. And I used to believe the latter was where I was headed when I died. You had to be really good to go to heaven. Really good. I wasn't bad, but I wasn't perfect either. I thought I was off heaven's guestlist for not being good all the time.

I now think the whole heaven/hell concept's really just a form of behavioural control. Scare someone into behaving. Offer an eternal cookie.

(I'm actually a bit angered by it. Not entirely sure why. Perhaps because it's dawning on me how much of a ploy/clever manipulative tool it might actually be. Fear. Reward. Fear (hell). Reward (heaven).)

*shrugs* Maybe I'm totally wrong. Maybe heaven/hell really exist. Not that I care as much as I used to, or more importantly, let it dictate my actions. If anything, heaven/hell's within me, not up there in the sky or way down there beneath my feet.

What do you think/believe? Do you believe in a heaven/hell?

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dtommy79's picture
I believe in God, but I don't
Onwem's picture
Hi dtommy79. Thanks for
dtommy79's picture
Hi Onwem,
Onwem's picture
Thanks for explaining further
dtommy79's picture
So the perfection you see in
catandmouse's picture
I believe heaven and hell are
CyberLN's picture
Define heaven and hell,
Tidby's picture
Hell (and Heaven) is a notion
atheister's picture
Yes, to me, my home is a
Onwem's picture
Hi catandmouse/Tidby,
I'm A Believer 2's picture
Good question! I want to
paw42uk's picture
I believe both heaven and
Onwem's picture
Thanks for your comments, I'm
paw42uk's picture
It would be very hard to get
Onwem's picture
Whilst I was reading your
Rob's picture
There is definitely a heaven
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed wholeheartedly. With
CyberLN's picture
Nope. There are plenty of
SammyShazaam's picture
I hear you, but I believe Rob
Mirta's picture
i like the idea of a heaven,
SammyShazaam's picture
I don't see how people can
Onwem's picture
Rob, Mirta, thank you for
Trevor's picture
I understand why you would
Zarathustra's picture
From a purely philosophical
Onwem's picture
Hi Zarathustra. *nods* I hear
SammyShazaam's picture
Interesting point - this
samking009's picture
Maybe because some believe in
Tman127182's picture
How do you know there is a
SammyShazaam's picture
You might want to see my
mysticrose's picture
Heaven and hell are biblical


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