Do others experience this

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jordtame's picture
Do others experience this

Every time I post or like anything that is scientific or athiest on facebook I get a tun of god crap on my news feed. I have one friend who posts god returning with a vengence. I have others that just post salvation crap and then those that just post the god loves you crap. I wish people could worry about their own souls and leave the salvation of my life up to me.

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Danny Craft's picture
I wouldn't worry too much
SammyShazaam's picture
It's facebook.
mattyn's picture
Facebook does seem to have
SammyShazaam's picture
Yeah, it's like once you
firebolt's picture
Just be careful about who you
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Almost every single post on
Lmale's picture
I was pushed to the point
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
you can send them back
Jeff Vella Leone's picture

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