Do atheists are in favor of sorcery and magic?

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mysticrose's picture
Do atheists are in favor of sorcery and magic?

The bible clearly opposes to sorcery and magic because they are thought to be works of evil. As atheist who do not believe in the bible, do you favor the knowledge about sorcery and magic. Sorcery and magic does not always pertains to evil deeds but some of its practitioners use it for the good of themselves and other people like healing, vibrating good luck and calling good karma.

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VinnieIlDuce's picture
The belief in magic and
Tman127182's picture
sorcery and magic? Just like
damanar's picture
Isn't this the same as
Rob's picture
I think those trades are both
mysticrose's picture
There are claims that they
DanDare's picture
No mysticrose, you cannot
SammyShazaam's picture
If by science and magic you
efpierce's picture
Science and sorcery one on
SammyShazaam's picture
Coming soon to a 3D printer
Unknowntyper's picture
You may be kidding or not
Zaphod's picture
I was thinking the same thing
firebolt's picture
Nature is magic and for
DeusImpius's picture
No. The belief in the
Lauren's picture
Personally I have little
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm kind of, but not quite,
Spewer's picture
Seems to me accepting the
Unknowntyper's picture
mysticrose's picture
Basically, some of Christian
Unknowntyper's picture
You can be an atheist and
SammyShazaam's picture
Next time someone shows me a
Zaphod's picture
Magic from the stance of a
Unknowntyper's picture
Illusion is not "magic" it is
Zaphod's picture
I can agree with what you put
SammyShazaam's picture
The hairs split so thinly
mysticrose's picture
There are atheists who still
SammyShazaam's picture
Easily. There are atheists
ginamoon's picture
I could say that I do not
Rob Beasley's picture
Again, people imaginatively
Zaphod's picture
You should start a forum
SammyShazaam's picture
Oh come on now. At least he's


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