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Cognostic's picture
You are lucky he is following

You are lucky he is following you around. He has more patience than me. Your moronic assertions, obtuse logic, and inability to think rationally about anything, all make your posts a prime target for comedy, ridicule, insults, and more. If you do not like people challenging the stupid comments you make.... STOP MAKING THEM!!! GO READ THE FRIGGING ARTICLES.

Spudnik510's picture
I have a question for you

I have a question for you guys ???? if these corals are encrusted around a object how long would it take for the corals to grow around a object to this degree ?????????
I said (IF) just to clarify to all the paranoid.

xenoview's picture
Is somebody paying you to

Is somebody paying you to post about the exodus?

algebe's picture
@Spudnik: how long would it

@Spudnik: how long would it take for the corals to grow around a object to this degree

I've seen pictures of World War II ships and aircraft, etc., with more encrustation than that.

Spudnik510's picture
Do you think its possible

Do you think its possible that this coral could only be a couple of decades old.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture


Spudnik510's picture
Does any one know what type

Does any one know what type of coral this is

algebe's picture
@Spudnik: Does any one know

@Spudnik: Does any one know what type of coral this is

It looks like a Photoshop coral to me. The whole picture looks faked.

Sheldon's picture
"@Spudnik: Does any one know

"@Spudnik: Does any one know what type of coral this is

It looks like a Photoshop coral to me. The whole picture looks faked."

"Photoshop coral", funny as fuck fair play, I haven't laughed that hard for ages.

Sapporo's picture
Does anyone know what the

Does anyone know what the water is made of?

Sheldon's picture
Jesus's tears?

Jesus's tears?

jakewilson's picture
I've just done snorkelling in

I've just done snorkelling in the Red Sea. I guess it's all true as I've found a six spoke chariot wheel (image attached).


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jakewilson's picture
I'll let you guys know when I

I'll let you guys know when I've found a golden one, but you can see the spokes of the above wheel highlighted at:

Here's another one:


Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
@ Jake

@ Jake

I see nothing but coral and rocks in both images. And finding chariot wheels in the Red Sea means nothing. When they find TENS OF THOUSANDS of them in the same spot, maybe. Otherwise, you are spewing brain diarrhea.

Pieces of WAGON wheels have been being found in the Red Sea since the 19650s. And usually only one or two or three wheels at times. NEVER tens of thousands.


David Killens's picture


No, all you have done is find a wheel. Have you ruled out other means on how it may have wound up there, for example, a shipwreck?

jakewilson's picture
Would it matter if I had? :-)

Would it matter if I had? :-)

David Killens's picture


"Would it matter if I had? :-)"

It appears not to you. But for this discovery to be taken seriously and accepted as valid proof, yes, you must do a heck of a lot more than just state you discovered proof of a past event.

Since you have not offered valid proof to support your hypothesis, then it has zero value historically or archeologically.

Sky Pilot's picture


"I guess it's all true as I've found a six spoke chariot wheel (image attached)."

That is not a chariot wheel. That is Noah's Ark!

Cognostic's picture
So when you pull them out of

So when you pull them out of the water. Clean them up. Test them. Date them. and find the boats they fell off of. Let us know.

jakewilson's picture
I am an atheist, so why

I am an atheist, so why should I bother...

David Killens's picture


"I am an atheist, so why should I bother..."

Your profile states that you are a non atheist.

Cognostic's picture
I just saw a big fish cut

I just saw a big fish cut open and there was no one inside.

jakewilson's picture
This one is probably a

This one is probably a vertical axle with the wheels attached, but there's another wheel in the top left:


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arakish's picture
@ Jake So? Where? rmfr

@ Jake

So? Where?


Sky Pilot's picture


"This one is probably a vertical axle with the wheels attached"

Those are the Ten Commandment stone tablets.

Cognostic's picture
We have been looking for

We have been looking for people in Whales for a long time and still no luck at all.

jakewilson's picture
You mean people like this guy

You mean people like this guy?


Attach Image/Video?: 

Nyarlathotep's picture
came for spoke Egyptian

came for spoke Egyptian chariot wheels, was shown rocks :(

jakewilson's picture
There are cheap flights to

There are cheap flights to the Red Sea, and it's likely you'd find some - I would chip in a bit :-)

Cognostic's picture
The Truth:

The Truth:
"Much of this eRumor is based on the findings of Ron Wyatt, a colorful and controversial amateur archeologist who claimed to have found Noah’s ark, the Biblical Ark of the Covenant, the location of Sodom And Gomorrah, the Tower of Babel, the true site of Mt. Sinai, the true site of the crucifixion of Jesus, and the original stones of the Ten Commandments. He was a passionate and sincere man, according to his supporters, but his critics abound and scientists and archeologists regarded him as an untrained maverick at best and there are some who regarded his as a fraud. Wyatt died from cancer "


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