Disciples weren't lying because they were tortured

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MCDennis's picture
You can show there is a first
Dave Matson's picture
It's poppycock because the
BAACKJD's picture
You're coming from the
UnKnown's picture
One of the biggest ideas of
MCDennis's picture
This is a weird post. From
BAACKJD's picture
UnKnown's picture
I have been surrounded by
Dave Matson's picture
CyberLN's picture
First, provide evidence that
UnKnown's picture
Proof of authorship, thus
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - This is evidence
UnKnown's picture
So you would rely on
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - So you would rely
ThePragmatic's picture
Exactly: The Bible is a


Attach Image/Video?: 

UnKnown's picture
The message of the bible
Dave Matson's picture
UnKnown's picture
1. Thallus records darkness,
curtisabass's picture
5. This refers to Yeshu ha
algebe's picture
@Unknown: "The miracles done
Nyarlathotep's picture
AlgebeSimilarly, the healing
UnKnown's picture
1. We have limited accounts
UnKnown's picture
1. We have limited accounts
UnKnown's picture
1. They may have thought that
algebe's picture
@Unknown: "They may have
UnKnown's picture
All I'm saying is: Normally,
ThePragmatic's picture
@ UnKnown
UnKnown's picture
If both religions (Napkin and
ThePragmatic's picture
I doth protest.
UnKnown's picture
1. It proves that the authors
ThePragmatic's picture
1 & 2: Sorry, but it doesn't


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