This is an idea that I have had for awhile, about a certain perspective one could take that would be an argument for the existence of a God. My argument is as follows, within the natural realm, we have the principle of cause and effect. And that a certain thing exists only insofar as it can be shown to interact with nature. To give an example, I exist because of the impact I have on my surroundings, whether it be by direct contact, or the influence I have on others, which then leads to changes in my life or theirs. So concerning this idea of cause and effect, it seems to me that because of the influence the idea of a God has on the world, and the impact that follows from it. A God could be said to exist in the same way that I could be said to exist. If you consider the fact that I will most likely live and die without 99.9% of the population of the world ever even knowing I was here at all, ( .1% is itself a generous assumption) and the only tangible proof we have that I actually existed at all on these forums is the writing I have left behind. My existence is for the most part hard to prove as of today, but 100 years from now it will be close to impossible, assuming I do nothing of significance. So with this in mind, it could be argued that because the idea of a God (cause) has had such a significant impact on nature, in the form of wars, the establishment of governments, schools of thought, etc (effect) that in this sense a God does in fact exist.
I know that this is strictly philosophical, and I would never present this as any form of real evidence, of any value. But from this perspective, i believe it is a valid argument that existence comes in many forms.
Thank you for your time.
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