The depressing thought.

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Johnathan Graham's picture
The depressing thought.

Does it make anyone actually shudder in their skin that as a society we'd rather believe in something that has no evidence behind it and base some crucial decisions that can affect humanity in a beneficial way. Rather than actually use our most amazing resource, science, to determine what is the best for humanity. The sad truth is, humans are depressing, and for us to actually still believe this religious mumbo shit past the dark ages..? I mean, we're the outcome of a long process of evolution , we are genetic anomalies, top of the food chain, we're number 1. But, most of our minds are so easily shrouded by something that is so ridiculous and farfetched. It's extremely depressing to think about, any thoughts?

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mysticrose's picture
This is quite depressing but
David Preyer's picture
what i find depressing is
Lmale's picture
Yes i think we could all but
Lehran's picture
Most of them believe in God
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"But, most of our minds are
Mardze's picture
There are religious people
Lmale's picture
You realise these 'moral'
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
It is not that bad true.
Lmale's picture
Yes i cannot say an outsider

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