Demolition Man

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Whitefire13's picture
Demolition Man

1993 movie ... I started to think of older “futuristic” movies that “nailed it”

The TP situation started it (anyone release shells yet)...then the social distancing (sex)...then the fining of language (I fuckin’ couldn’t afford to live) ...then the technology. Oh, and the Corp. wars - this movie is a gold nugget.

I just love watching how “Idocracy” 2006 is evolving.

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Cognostic's picture
@White: I need a machine
boomer47's picture
Whitefire13's picture
@Cranky & Cog... Annie song .
boomer47's picture
Whitefire13's picture
Same!!! I won’t be living
David Killens's picture
Yea Whitefire 13, it seems
Whitefire13's picture
David ...watched that movie
Cognostic's picture
@Movies: "The invention of
boomer47's picture
I've a lot of dystopian
Tin-Man's picture
@Cranky Re: The Road
Tin-Man's picture
It's not a movie (yet), but
boomer47's picture
@Tin Man
algebe's picture
One that echoes gloomily in
boomer47's picture
Whitefire13's picture
I’ve seen almost all the

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