Defending and attacking Religion

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Wicked Clown's picture
Defending and attacking Religion

I will despise Religion and voice great hatred for it due to what I loathe about Religion. However, I will defend what I like about Religion. I'l give an example of what Religion did that was good for me. As a Catholic I was taught that not just faith and worship of God would get me to Heaven. I was taught that these were my responsibility and I found peace and joy doing this:

Seven corporal works of Mercy:

To feed the hungry;
To give drink to the thirsty;
To clothe the naked;
To harbour the harbourless;
To visit the sick;
To ransom the captive;
To bury the dead.

The spiritual works of mercy are:

To instruct the ignorant;
To counsel the doubtful;
To admonish sinners;
To bear wrongs patiently;
To forgive offences willingly;
To comfort the afflicted;
To pray for the living and the dead.

I was taught that Love was more important than Faith or good works and that prophesy, healing, martyrdom, and any good work is nothing without love.

Was taught that the greatest commandment was to love God with all one's heart, soul, and might. Was taught that to be forgiven one must forgive from the heart.

Was taught not to judge, not to be proud, avoid lust, anger, envy, laziness, and gluttony. Prayer empowered me and transformed my heart and outlook at times. Religion helped me quit street drugs and avoid crime.

So that was all great.

However, Some of what I hated about Religion was this teaching that others need to believe what you do to be saved, good people will be eternally damned if they don't accept Jesus as their Lord and savior, we have to accept everything by faith because God is too worthless to speak up and give us understanding, and the Bible has about as much incoherent trash for every piece of wisdom.

I also got sick of the confusion that Religion is regardless of your denomination, and the guilt and scrupulosity that is inevitable when you are aware that souls are going to Hell daily and you/I could be next.

However, since most people here despise Religion, I'd like to debate with you about the benefits of Religion. This isn't to troll, but to grow in understanding. Maybe you will convince me that some of my views are wrong.

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CyberLN's picture
Wicked, I was taught all
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol, same here. If it takes
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[quote]I suppose this makes
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