Deceitfulness of Apologists

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charvakheresy's picture
Deceitfulness of Apologists

I was recently watching an old interview of Richard Dawkins on you tube where he was in conversation with a reporter named Mehdi Hasan.

I somehow felt that Richard Dawkins was unfairly treated on the show by his host.

He kept on berating him like it was personal and was at times quite deceitful. towards the end Hasan asked Dawkins was he committing child abuse by teaching his daughter the quran and Dawkins inquired whether he taught his daughter that the universe was created in 6 days, Hasan replied that the quran does not say the universe was created in 6 days to which Dawkins finally replied NO he was not committing abuse. However the quran does state the universe being created in 6 days (it is after all a judaeo christian philosophy - by which I mean a flagrant copy).

There were many other instances of deceitfulness like when he polled about the question of which was a worse form of abuse indoctrination or child abuse by priests and did not adequately address that issue when it was shown to be in favour of the latter.

Basically what I was getting at is; Does it seem that these apologists are way too eager and deceitful in the promotion of their religious beliefs.
Is there any merit in confronting people like them (In my opinion he was very unethical and if you feel otherwise I am willing to listen)
Is it that they are blinded by religion or rather just con artists, used car salesman, etc.

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ZeffD's picture
It depends on the apologist.
charvakheresy's picture
I was referring more towards
Nyarlathotep's picture
Of course I can't pronounce

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