Debunking evolution

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Jam Jam's picture
Debunking evolution

Hey guys and girls, Im a Christian and I would like to talk about evolution I don't believe in evolution because 1. There is many holes in the theory and 2. Because if evolution is true and their is no God their are many problems with morality, for example how do you tell right from wrong with out the Bible? Anyway here is some of my evidence against evolution Im not trying to offend anyone just sharing my opinion and also I would like to test my evidence so if you want to try to debunk my claims feel free. Anyway here my evidence against evolution, ab-iogenesis and the big bang.

I posted 150 pages of evidence against evolution abiogenesis and the big bang.

But its copyrighted you can find most of the evidence I found on true origins they use non-creationist references.

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ThePragmatic's picture
Alembé's picture
Hi Prag,
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well you now hold the record
Jam Jam's picture
Everything I got is from true
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jam Jam - Everything I got is
Jam Jam's picture
Ok first of all of ture
CyberLN's picture
Jam jam, I deleted more text
Jam Jam's picture
Sorry about that can you
algebe's picture
@Jam Jam: "im not a sponge
Nyarlathotep's picture
Its a good point. He comes
Nyarlathotep's picture
If you don't want to be
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jam Jam -
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I found my first article
Jam Jam's picture
Not all of the articles are
Nyarlathotep's picture
Not all of the articles are
Dave Matson's picture
Wow! Our research librarian
chimp3's picture
That is not an attempt at a
Alembé's picture
Hi Jam Jam,
mykcob4's picture
Not worthy of my time!
Jam Jam's picture
I can tell you don't believe
Question_everything's picture
It is possible that a god
Sky Pilot's picture
It's up to the God creature
Dave Matson's picture
Jam Jam,
Truett's picture
Jam Jam, you've stated that
Jam Jam's picture
Yes thank you for your reply
Truett's picture
A few points right off: The
Jam Jam's picture
Firstly I would like to start
Truett's picture
You've not attempted to


Attach Image/Video?: 

Jam Jam's picture
You didn't answer the
Truett's picture
Hi Jam jam, I'm hesitant to


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