Debunking evolution

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Gabriel Michael's picture
Debunking evolution

I will give my best shot at debunking evolution and taking away the time factor because if there not enough time then evolution would look silly

1 evolution (abiogenesis) is very unlikely

Accordingly, the probability of evolving one molecule of iso-1-cytochrome c, a small protein common in plants and animals, is an astounding one chance in 2.3 times ten billion vigintillion. The magnitude of this impossibility may be appreciated by realizing that ten billion vigintillion is one followed by 75 zeros. Or to put it in evolutionary terms, if a random mutation is provided every second from the alleged birth of the universe, then to date that protein molecule would be only 43% of the way to completion The origin of life by chance in a primeval soup is impossible

2 there is not enough mud on the sea floor to support the idea that the world is billions of years old Each year, water and winds erode about 20 billion tons of dirt and rock from the continents and deposit it in the ocean. This material accumulates as loose sediment on the hard basaltic (lava-formed) rock of the ocean floor. The average depth of all the sediment in the whole ocean is less than 400 meters. The main way known to remove the sediment from the ocean floor is by plate tectonic subduction. That is, sea floor slides slowly (a few cm/year) beneath the continents, taking some sediment with it. According to secular scientific literature, that process presently removes only 1 billion tons per year. As far as anyone knows, the other 19 billion tons per year simply accumulate. At that rate, erosion would deposit the present mass of sediment in less than 12 million years. Yet according to evolutionary theory, erosion and plate subduction have been going on as long as the oceans have existed, an alleged three billion years. If that were so, the rates above imply that the oceans would be massively choked with sediment dozens of kilometers deep. An alternative (creationist) explanation is that erosion from the waters of the Genesis flood running off the continents deposited the present amount of sediment within a short time about 5,000 years ago.

3 the sun causes a problem for abiogenesis.
The brighter the sun the hotter it is the colder the sun the fainter it is 3.5 billion years ago when we were supposedly evolving in the primordial soup the sun was 25% fainter than it is today that means it was 17 degrees colder than today thats below freezing which means that most of the earth’s liquids would be frozen.

4. Uranium and thorium contained in rocks produce a lot of helium atoms these helium atoms in the rock readily leak they leak so fast that there should be no helium atoms in the rocks in the last 3 billion years my question is why is there still helium atoms in the rocks? Also they have measured how long this has been leaking and found it to be leaking for only 6000 years.

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CyberLN's picture
Well, I didn't pay much
ZeffD's picture
A young earther, so either a
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jam Jam - "evolution
Gabriel Michael's picture
There is no uranium or
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jam Jam - "There is no
Gabriel Michael's picture
The dirt on the sea floor is
Nyarlathotep's picture
"Ill throw another one at you
Gabriel Michael's picture
Your mad aren't you because
Nyarlathotep's picture
Let's see, so far you have
chimp3's picture
Do you think the sea floor is
watchman's picture
OK Jam Jam....
Gabriel Michael's picture
First you didnt answer my
CyberLN's picture
None of our oceans is
chimp3's picture
Kent Hovind is an amusement
Dave Matson's picture
Jam Jam,
Nyarlathotep's picture
For anyone who is interested:
Dave Matson's picture
mykcob4's picture
More pseudo-science, this
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right, I try not to get too
Nyarlathotep's picture
An additional digression for
Gabriel Michael's picture
Hey im a Christian and my
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jam Jam - "about one
Gabriel Michael's picture
Why isn't there more dead
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jam Jam - "You also didnt
Dave Matson's picture
You are assuming that the
Dave Matson's picture
Dave Matson's picture
Are you going to give us a
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm sure Jam Jam is long gone
Dave Matson's picture
I'm sure Jam Jam is long gone
Gabriel Michael's picture
Also with the radio carbon if


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