Is The Death Penalty a Sin?
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A lot of religions approve of the death penalty, with some demanding that it be carried out. After all, if there is a deity then he can resurrect the dead person. Most countries have adopted the Viking system of giving the accused a trial and letting a jury decide his fate. That's a step-up from the biblical system where the family members personally killed the bad guy.
Killing anyone is cruel and inhumane, if you think it morally right then you are as equally morally bankrupt.
What if I were to say putting people in prison is inhumane? In fact, that doing anything to them without their consent is inhumane?
So let us use a real case example. A mother ( Leslie Demenuik) of two twin boys, aged 4, were shot in the head one by one by their mother after blacking out from medication and alcohol consumption. Do you feel in this case that her life sentence is inhumane? IN another less tragic example, what if I accidentally brush up against you walking by, which would obviously be without your consent, is inhumane??? I am truly confused at your argument or statement thereof. Please explain. Thanks
Society gives the authority to the designated group responsible for dispensing the collective will of society. The process needs to be fine tuned to the degree whereby the margin of error is reduced as much as humanly possible. That is the fly in the ointment. My thought is that there are those who thru their actions have forfeited any right to participate within society & should be dealt with in the way that best benefits society. The death penalty is artificial selection of the species which has it's merits as can be seen with disease & genetics. The question presents an interesting dilemma between one's emotions & one's intellect. Hmmmm? Conclusion: the DP is appropriate in some cases. Defining what is appropriate is the difficult part.
So you believe in the Norwegian criminal justice system were even mass murderers don't get more than about 21 years in a nice prison.
I don't believe I ever said that? But perhaps it I did you may correct me?
I believe life for life in the context of life in prison, but if you take their life then you are no better.
No one has the right to take a life in my personal opinion.
I don't believe I ever said that? But perhaps if I did you may correct me?
I believe life for life in the context of life in prison, but if you take their life then you are no better.
No one has the right to take a life in my personal opinion.
we atheists don't believe things are and are not sins. the concept of sin is a theist creation
I see your position, yet am in a quandary, how then, would an atheist define punishment without some sort of wrong doing or (sinful act). How do atheists define punishment without defining an act against a person....if not sin, what would you quantify it as?
Sin is a religious concept. The question is ; 'Under what circumstance is it ethical to end another human's life?' Defence of self or someone else? Of course. Nature - 'red in tooth & claw'. Death is all around. Some people are a risk to the well-being of a functioning society. So yes, the species should be artificially culled for the benefit of society & the DP is a viable option.