Day of the dead?

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Giov787's picture
Day of the dead?

Hello, I am new here, I would like to ask if it's ok for atheists to celebrate day of the dead. I'm from Hispanic background, so this is a major holiday for me. It's not so much focused on religion, it's about how the souls of dead loved ones come to our houses to spend time with us. Now, I've always believed In the paranormal, no matter if in an atheist, atheist means not believing in a god, and I'm doing just that. So back to the subject, is it ok if I celebrate it, you know, make an ofrenda (altar) dedicated to my dead grandma. The only thing religious I'm putting on the altar are crosses (my grandma is a Christian) and and our lady of guadalupe candle ( a major cultural figure in my race)



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CyberLN's picture
Hi AiQ, welcome to AR.

Hi AiQ, welcome to AR.

There are no rules. In most folks' opinion, if you do not believe in god(s) then you are atheist. That's all it takes. Go do what you want to do.

xenoview's picture
Welcome to AR AiQ!

Welcome to AR AiQ!

Giov787's picture
Thank you

Thank you

Randomhero1982's picture
Welcome AiQ,

Welcome AiQ,

Do what makes you happy!

Jill Harrison Campos's picture
My view would be if you do it

My view would be if you do it because you enjoy it, it doesnt hurt and/or family enjoy then as with Christmas just go ahead - that's the fun. We do often think of our deceased family members. We hold them in our hearts as they shaped ourselves - that's something to celebrate.

MCDennis's picture
As a general statement,

As a general statement, atheists don't celebrate souls because we don't believe in anything supernatural including souls, ghosts, goblins, jins, etc. This is NOT always true, but it is generally true based on my discussions with other atheists.

Giov787's picture
Thank you all for your

Thank you all for your feedback!

LogicFTW's picture
Atheist is simply the

Atheist is simply the opposite of theist definition.
Or simply, an atheist does not believe in god(s.)

A commonly accepted definition of god is:
(in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
(in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.


So, follow commonly accepted definitions, we will all still call you an atheist doing what you are doing on the day of the dead.

Infact this definition allows you to follow as many religions as you like, as long as you do not believe in the god part of it. (although that is pretty central to most religions.)

You could go to a different church every day and celebrate all the holidays, and yep, still be an atheist.

chimp3's picture
Dios de los Muertos is way

Dios de los Muertos is way more fun than Halloween!

algebe's picture
Why shouldn't atheists enjoy

Why shouldn't atheists enjoy festivals, including religious ones? Most of them, including Christmas and Easter, were stolen from pagan religions and morphed into Christian festivals in the Middle Ages. And unlike religious people, we don't have to worry about damaging our immortal souls by going through the motions of different religious observances. So I have no qualms at all about singing carols around a pagan Christmas tree or giving chocolate eggs to my grandkids in honor of the goddess of eggs and bunnies.

curious's picture
"it's about how the souls of

"it's about how the souls of dead loved ones come to our houses to spend time with us".

Hi AIQ, welcome.

First of all I hope you don't mind for disagreeing with you, well such is life!
I don't think soul (NOT The Soul) which made look like fog in the shape of a body and floating - is actually exist. Alright it is just me since the way I see the construct of theology is different with "Yes man" kind.

I believe that "soul" is actually memory of those who have left us which we cherished. In here your love to your grandma is the reason that make her "soul" still around.

There are two people that have very strong positive presence in my memory, my grandmother (in law) and my father. And when I pray for my parent it is actually their pictures that pop out in my memory. I kind feel guilty since my other elders are not strong in there. And there was time in my life I spoke in silence directly addressing them, by saying; "Thank you for kindness to me that made me feel special, and thank you for giving me hope when I was so hopeless".

I believe that is their "soul". The goodness and the badness of an individual is witnessed and approved by the living, voluntarily. There is no reward involved here, nor threat, just simple acknowledgment and gratitude.

Btw, enjoy your fiesta and say hello to your grandma.

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