Hey all!
Haven't been on in a while and I'd like to wish all Happy Holidays. I am also curious to know your impressions on Dr. Sartori's findings. She claims to have talked to patients who had NDEs which not only included decent veridical perception stories while they were supposedly unconscious or brain dead, but (ex: a patient being able to correctly identify a new doctor never seen before or having saliva cleaned by a specifically pink swabs brush) but some have even apparently overcome diseases and illnesses after these NDEs. One woman even had one featuring the creation of the universe. Having apparently never studied the topic she took Quantum physics classes and was spot on on everything she had seen in the NDE.
Another is a man having an NDE and talking to his relatives including his sister who he knew to be living. Apparently it was found out she died a week before his NDE.
Here is a link to this article, would love some opinions
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