This is crazy that 17 million adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
Even crazier are these people called breatharians. People claiming to live off very little food or no food.
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And even crazier, many people believe in gods or god, AND that gods or god answers prayers and watches over them and cares what that say and do and created the universe for them like 600 years ago and some of them have books they claim were written by gods that amazingly contain crazy shit like the idea that slavery is good and that wives are property.
I never seen a pure white cow, wonder where white milk comes from. ;P
That tis funny and both horrifying to me that 17 million adults think chocolate milk comes from brown cows...
LogicForTW, "I never seen a pure white cow, wonder where white milk comes from."
Maybe you should get out more?
;P winky face with tongue sticking out indicates sarcasm/humor.
Plus that picture is more of a cream colored cow, maybe that cow produces cream?
(Just to make it perfectly clear.)
Also, I believe it was Wendy's fast food burger chain, that had to discontinue 1/3 pound burger from their menu due to poor sales. Why poor sales? Because too many people thought 1/3 is less then 1/4 because 3 is a smaller number then 4.
Stuff like this helps illuminate in part, why: so many people buy the various religions hook line and sinker.
What? Really? What? How?
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Wow Xenoview! a friend of mine sent me a message about that same statistic with the brown cows last week lol. My reaction was similar to what is displayed in my avatar followed by some chuckles. #Merica
If you jiggle the cows long enough, you will get a milk shake.
@Xenoview: "This is crazy that 17 million adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows."
Those people should spend a little time in a milking shed and see all the weird and wonderful things that come out of cows of all colors. I guarantee they'd never touch a chocolate milkshake again.
A friend of mine who worked with mostly computer stuff for years suddenly had to start dealing with the public. Her verdict: people are stupid.
I think anyone who has had to work in retail or the food industry instantly learn that people are stupid... And they are assholes.
@Wednesday Addams: "people are stupid... "
What I've found is that individual people are the most intelligent animals on Earth, but crowds of people are dumber than pond scum. I guess that's why the Catholics call their worship "mass."