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SeniorCitizen007's picture

The Emperor Constantine is supposed to have become a Christian in 312 AD and adopted Christianity as the state religion. In 326 he had his wife, Fausta, executed ... allegedly by being thrown into boiling water ... for having sex with Crispus, his son by his previous wife. I often wonder whether this had any influence on the increasingly violent nature of Christianity (which began a few decades later).

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Sky Pilot's picture
That is some tough love.
Cognostic's picture
Christianity was at war with
Randomhero1982's picture
To be honest, I feel like
David Killens's picture
Crispus was the son of
Cognostic's picture
From what I recall there are
William00's picture
Explore the advantages of
kas_sandra's picture
VItor's picture
Looking for dedicated
Nadia Eira's picture
I don't know it. This topic
Basketball stars 3's picture
Một chủ đề mới nhưng rất thú

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