Hi evrybody, surfing on the internet i found that: conservapedia a wiki for conservaitives, catholics, pro-american persons with topics like that:
- http://www.conservapedia.com/Atheism_and_rape
- http://www.conservapedia.com/Atheism
according to wikipedia the articles of this wiki are written by chidrens who are following "home education" , probably in very conservatives families, as homeworks
I woud like to know your opinion about such a site and what shoud we do about it:
shoud we let them sink in theyr ignorance and endoctrinement or shoud we act?
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Thanks for the links. I'm amazed that these people should spend so much time and effort putting this stuff together. They must sense a threat or they wouldn't bother.....
yeah when i found this first i thout it was a jocke i was really surprized when i found out that it was for real
Want a real laugh: read http://www.conservapedia.com/Theory_of_relativity; it reads like it was written by Jeff.
Welcome to the internet, the propagator of increased ignorance!
It's a shame that the internet allows for such acts of "freedom of speech", when I think it should be considered harmful.