Christians have no moral foundation. The god in their bible is evil.

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ImFree's picture
Christians have no moral foundation. The god in their bible is evil.

Its laughable when Christians claim atheists have no basis for morality. They say that if evolution is true (eliminating their guy in the sky), there is no foundation for morals. In other words, for atheists there is no principled social structure to determine right from wrong.

Time and again their imaginary god kills millions for non-violent offenses, condones murder, rape, theft, genocide, lying, pedophilia etc., condemns people to eternal torture, and orders his sycophants to hack thousands of toddlers to pieces with their swords. Regardless, Christians blindly claim that God is "all good".

How is this so called God supposed to be a model to aspire to?

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Capt.Bobfm's picture
I just can't get my head
ChildofGod's picture
I believe it because it gives
Zaphod's picture
Your god and your devil are
noznoze's picture
Maybe in your imaginary world
ChildofGod's picture
Atheist that i know some
Nyarlathotep's picture
I have never met an atheist
ChildofGod's picture
I said that I KNOW
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yes, and I don't believe you.
Zaphod's picture
The bible has a certain types
ImFree's picture
The Bible is a bronze age
ImFree's picture
Enjoy this tidbit of gospel
ImFree's picture
For clarity, none of the
mysticrose's picture
It's really hard to

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