Christianity must be stopped.

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Lmale's picture
Christianity must be stopped.

Did you see this in the new section a christian school with christian and non christian students has replaced evolution!!!
And teaches homosexuality is abnormal!!!
Ive had enough christianity's arrogant bigotry must be stopped we cannot allow them to corrupt young children.

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CyberLN's picture
What's your plan to stop it?
Lmale's picture
Ain't got a clue. The wealth
firebolt's picture
I have never understood that
ImFree's picture
I agree, why should they get
Lmale's picture
Since most religions are
efpierce's picture
That's true! Imagine the
Lmale's picture
Yes religions good at
Lmale's picture
Ask and yea shall receive
Zaphod's picture
Went to the link wondering
Lmale's picture
This links found out more tax
Lmale's picture
Dude check this one it
Lmale's picture
Oops forgot the link lolhttp:
MikeHonchoHisself's picture
I feel the same, the
Lmale's picture
No that plays into the
SammyShazaam's picture
Well... not to be a stickler,
ChildofGod's picture
To stop Christianity is
ImFree's picture
Since this God’s existence
Chuck Rogers's picture
Hitler used a false religion,
Chuck Rogers's picture
Hitler used a false religion,
ImFree's picture you put your stamp
Chuck Rogers's picture
He was deceived like you are
ImFree's picture
LOL....your immoral god
Chuck Rogers's picture
No not the way you put it.
ImFree's picture
WRONG!....Just hate to tell
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Most of us ignore chuck
ImFree's picture
Never coming near what he
Chuck Rogers's picture
No you are wrong. You said if
ImFree's picture
Your still wrong, and you
ImFree's picture
Here is another classic
Chuck Rogers's picture
You not caring how God does


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