Christianity for busy thinking people

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pasadi97's picture
Christianity for busy thinking people

Christianity for busy people

Without life getting a new job, the discovery of flying car and great fortune have no utility. Doctors and science can not and will not be ale to give you eternal life.
For eternal life , that make everything worthwhile go to Christianity.

There are two destinations after this life, Hell and Heaven. For Heaven destination go to Christianity.

Why Christianity

Christianity has power because his founder has power. The followers of other religions, the founders of other religions and the Gods of other religions with the exception of God are part of the creation created through Jesus, the founder and leader of Christianity. Hindu gods, budhist gods, greek gods and roman gods were created through Jesus.,

From Bible
Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Is it enough to be nice? Is it enough to be nice without becoming a christian to get eternal life and to go to Heaven? Is it enough to not help anybody?

Are you a sheep or a goat? Did you feed the poor, give water to poor, house the poor, visited the poor in hospital and prison?

ATTENTION !!!. 2-5% Americans die and come back to life either in accidents or sickness. They say that while dead they saw Heaven , Hell, angels and some claim that Jesus came to them saying he is God. If this is true, attention because it invalidates all other religions besides christianity. If you want more about this search youtube for “Near death experiences”.

While dead some people claim to have in afterlife things that they gave to the poor. One lady was about to be naked in afterlife because she did not give clothes to poor. In my tradition when a person dies his clothing, some food and drinks are given to the poor in his name for afterlife.

Since one denomination throwed away the part that enables one to go to heaven concentrating heavily on helping the poor,lets pray to God to move to the best denomination in his eyes.

Dear God please help me move to the best christian denomination in your eyes.
With eastern orthodox christianity you will not make a mistake.

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watchman's picture
@ Pasad..

@ Pasad..

Again ?

Really ??...

So why should anyone even bother with you ??

Last time you could't answer any of the questions put to just did a dump & run post....then scuttled off

typical of many of your kind I'm afraid......

As to your pathetic reliance on your book of course futile......containing ,as it does....not one single redeeming truth .....

the whole thing is provably a litany of falsehoods ,lies and fabrications.....

So again....why should anyone here give your post the slightest consideration. ?

mykcob4's picture
Your whole post is bullshit.

Your whole post is bullshit.
Prove that there is heaven! Prove that there is hell! Prove that there is an afterlife. You can't. BTW the bible isn't a good source for anything unless you want to read a bunch of fairy tales hearsay myths and folklore!

Endri Guri's picture
Your Post is quit Irrational

Your Post is quite Irrational and I don't know if I can even consider it as a Rational Idea other than just "Straight Up Bullshit" or just Irrational and Stupid.
You speak so Well of God...Yet you do not know him, see him, hear him (do not tire yourself telling me the "He is Us and We are Him" bullshit)
You recite to me the Words of The Bible....Yet foolishly forgetting how this Book was written by Hands of Mortals with voices in their Heads, or maybe they just wanted to give humanity Christianity, so they could Use Humanity in the Name of "God" for Power and Control. Remember Pope Urban II, who Declared with not a single regret the First Crusade, for Slaughtering Innocent Muslims, Harmless and Innocent Muslims.
You Believe in Heaven and Hell....Yet not even knowing if they Exist, nor questioning their Existence.
You believe in the Bible and it's Teachings....Yet they have No Proof but Words with No Rationalism in them and Nothing but Fairies with Pigeon Wings (Angels) that come down from the Sky to give a "Testament" to "Prophets.
Poor you Pasadi, poor you Pasad, you blinded fool, poor you...

pasadi97's picture
angels on video https://www
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Pasadi

@ Pasadi

It's funny how people who want to see angels see angels and people who what to see aliens see aliens.

Interesting angles "video", lets have a look...

No 5: "The Virgin Mary behind Erin Potter". A still photo, with a lens flare effect from playing with sparkles in the dark. "The mother believes it is an angelic figure of the virgin Mary". Not very convincing at all, and the photo doesn't seem to have gotten much traction either.

No 4: "An angel heals Chelsea Banton". A still photo, with a bright sun reflection in a hospital hallway, filmed by a CCTV and then photographed with a cellphone of the monitor image. The light is interpreted as "an angel sent by god", but really just looks like 3 vertical rectangles, as from sunlight shining through a window with 3 sections.

No 3: The CCTV footage of a miracle rescue by teleportation.
Kind of embarrissing, as it is a commercial for a Chinese computer game called Dragon Totem Girl (Zhu Xian 2). The game's dragon head logo even appears on the road at the teleportation site, as a dark shape that fades away (see attached image). Explaining article:

No 2: The "Jakarta angel". CCTV video of an angel that zips down to the ground in a closed shopping mall, only to quickly zip out the image again.
"The video contains several dead giveaways of a hoax, including the fact that the amateur animator failed to account for the mall's reflective floor."

No 1: "Two angels taking away the soul of a child", allegedly filmed by pastor Igor Shvedov in Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan. A sunset behind a rooftop, a bright morphing light appears and seems to descend down through the roof. It then ascends up through the roof again. As it continues to rise it becomes two radiant lights with a lens flaring ring each.

Alleged statement from the photographer.
"Afterwards, we found out it appeared at the time in the house a child has died. Angels are behind the soul of the child."

One of the most blurry and shaky videos I've ever looked at. I couldn't find any good debunking of this video. But just as usual in these types of videos: If the light was in the actual position over (and through) the roof as it appears, it would light up the surrounding part of the rooftop, would it not?
And why does the video stop when he finally managed to stop shaking and had a clear view of the lights?

Well, I'm convinced. Where do I sign up? Oh, what religion and what denomination does those angels belong to anyway? Did anyone get that information or do we just take a chance?


A couple of examples of unintended effects in photographs, explained mind you by a seeker of paranormal, at:

A light orb, that seems to float in front of the face of a woman and it appears like she is looking right at it. It's just a dust orb.

A ghostly apparition, floating out of or into a person in some spooky catacomb.
In this case, the person in the picture is the man who wrote the article. He explains: "The blur in front of me is where I moved to after the flash fired. In this case, the blur is from subject movement; the camera was fixed on a tripod."


A lens flare from sparkles, a bright reflection of sunlight, a friggin commercial, an obviously faked video and a likely faked video or unknown light phenomena. None of these would have been interpreted as angels by someone looking for aliens...

Image: The Dragon Totem Girl (Zhu Xian 2) game logo appears on the road after the teleportation (A commercial).


Attach Image/Video?: 

pasadi97's picture
orthodox miracles on
pasadi97's picture
Dead come and tell you heaven

Dead come and tell you heaven exists. Go tio youtube and search for "nde heaven" nde is near death experience, people that died and come back to life.

CyberLN's picture
Please define death. Is it

Please define death. Is it the heart stopping? Is it zero brain waves? Be precise, please.

watchman's picture


Yes....CyberLN has a very good point there.......I think you should respond....... say "Dead come and tell you heaven exists." .....

but then you add....."search for "nde heaven" ...and rather insultingly ..."nde is near death experience,"..... (we know what it means)

followed by "people that died and come back to life."

Now Im not usually so picky...but in your case I'll make an exception.....

NDE ...... Near Death Experience......see that....that word there ...."NEAR"....implying...close to death.....approaching the end of life.......


SO...Whatever else it may or may not cannot be ,""people that died and come back to life." ...

because by definition.....

near dead ....aint actually dead. ......

So a fairly important question you have to answer is.........

where did all these garrulous zombies come from ???

Now I noticed on your last outing with this drivel that you discounted ,shall we say ,more rationalist explanations such as

"oxygen starved brain activity" ,or "false memories" ...... claiming that those experiencing "over views" of themselves in rooms

some how mitigated against these causes ......

How could such visions be conjured by stressed brains...???

Well...instead of filling your head with crapulous twaddle from U-Tube try......Googleing "Charles Boney Syndrome".....


I shall eagerly await with some anticipation your full and frank answers to CyberLN's questions .....

Sorry...just one further point...if you would be so kind...........

What the bloody hell are "Romano Catholics"

Dave Matson's picture


Since you are, once again, quoting the Bible to us I'll repeat my take on the Bible.

Since you love quoting the Bible, let me refer you to "The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy" by C. Dennis McKinsey. It's 500+ pages, written by a former minister who knows the Bible forwards and backwards, is devoted entirely to the many errors in the Bible. Such errors include an ocean of contradictions, scientific absurdities, failed prophecies, failed morality, failed history, and poor organization as well as a gross misuse of space! Hell! Even its primary goal (in Christian eyes), that of clearly giving the instructions for salvation, is botched! (Witness all the competing sects, each with their own understanding of salvation.) If someone asked me to name a book that had more errors in it than the Bible, I would honestly be hard pressed to come up with an answer. So, don't quote the Bible to us as though it were some kind of authority!

To that may be added the fact that videos, invariably lacking any serious quality controls and without peer review, prove nothing. They are only good for introducing us to some topic as seen in the eyes of a believer. When I see the same results in respectable scientific journals then I'll start taking them seriously. Near death experiences have been so thoroughly deflated that to call it a serious argument for a hereafter is a flight of fantasy.

chimp3's picture
Pasadi : "While dead some

Pasadi : "While dead some people claim to have in afterlife things that they gave to the poor. One lady was about to be naked in afterlife because she did not give clothes to poor."

Even after death and while we dwell in paradise your god continues to use shame to punish and coerce. This lady is lucky that the petty tyrant in the sky only wanted to shame her. He has sent many less culpable sinners to worse fates.

Deidre32's picture
I've often thought that

I've often thought that following Christianity for hopes of eternal life, just seemed ''wrong,'' for want of a better word. Coming back to faith, there is a great joy in that for me, now. But, atheists and theists alike can be 'good' people and do 'good' deeds. It isn't enough to just believe, I've always felt that faith should be noticeable in a person's life, for that person to really be able to preach what they believe. Otherwise, why bother? I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the OP, but I think I got lost on a ^_^

mykcob4's picture
"One cannot enter unto heaven

"One cannot enter unto heaven on deeds alone". I remember that being drilled in my head over and over. I was told that one must accept jesus as their lord and savior and one can only enter heaven through him.
Feelings don't matter. Sins don't matter. Only the devout belief in jesus matters. That being baptized is the only way to heaven. Once one realizes that all religion has actually abandoned that precept and replaced it with obedience to the religion, one can easily reject religion at the very least.

"Bible Verses About Good Deeds To Go To Heaven

Bible verses related to Good Deeds To Go To Heaven from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order

Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: (Read More...)

John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Titus 3:5 - Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

James 2:14-26 - What [doth it] profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? (Read More...)

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Matthew 7:21 - Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Ephesians 2:10 - For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Romans 2:6-8 - Who will render to every man according to his deeds: (Read More...)

Matthew 25:31-46 - When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: (Read More...)

Isaiah 64:6 - But we are all as an unclean [thing], and all our righteousnesses [are] as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Ephesians 6:1-24 - Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (Read More...)

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Deidre32's picture
True...''religion'' isn't

True...''religion'' isn't what I follow, come to think of it. I think one can love God, and be completely detached from religiousishness.

mykcob4's picture
I won't attempt to bring you

I won't attempt to bring you back. You have found something that you are comfortable with. That is all anyone can ask.

Endri Guri's picture
Yes. One can love God without

Yes. One can love God without "Religion", The Best Way to believe without turning into a Fanatic.
Well, if you find Happiness in This, I Will not Stop you, In fact, I will Support You.
Even as a Atheist, I find Peace in my Mind when it comes to Co-existence, you are a Spark of Proof for that.

Deidre32's picture
You both know how to make

You both know how to make someone feel good inside, thank you for saying this. :)

mykcob4's picture
Actually, I rarely if ever

Actually, I rarely if ever make anyone feel good. I just don't know how to do it. I can't even make myself feel good. I've tried, can't do it. That may sound sad, but it really isn't. I take comfort in nature, in progress, in success. I get rid of frustration through sporting activities and hard work. I am not good at one on one encounters. I am great at public speaking. I can deliver a whale of a speech. In casual encounters, I seem to always speak to a huge crowd that isn't there.
I talk to myself, sometimes aloud. That may seem crazy, but it isn't any different than people that think that they talk to god. If you ask yourself the hard questions and don't avoid the painful answers, it is fulfilling and helpful.
You say you have a comfort in god. I say I have a comfort with my own mind. SOBEIT.

charvakheresy's picture
Yes it is possible to love

Yes it is possible to love god without religion - BUT WHICH GOD.

I understand and appreciate the point that fanaticism is bread by religion and love of god alone may not be culpable.

However which god to love?

The only mention of God is in Religion and its texts. There is no concept of God outside of religion.

Christians believe in Christ.
Muslims worship Allah.
Hindus have their Tridev and so on.

The moment you say you can love god without religion I am eager to know which God.

If you define a God based on any tradition monotheistic or poly, you subscribe to a religion. If not you have just invented a new God.

Thats the problem with fiction you have to follow someone else or make up your own.

mykcob4's picture
How exacting perceptive.

How exacting perceptive. Since god is fiction, you have to believe and follow someone else's fiction, or make up your own. Fantastic and spot on.

ThePragmatic's picture
I would refine it even

I would refine it even further:
Even within a specific religion, no one has the same definition of their god if you get down to the details. There are 2.2 billion Christians in the world today and I think that there are 2.2 billion different interpretations of it.
In other words, even with a shared "manual", people still have their own invented versions of their god.

Deidre32's picture
Maybe God can't be defined

Maybe God can't be defined that simply.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Deidre

@ Deidre

That's just the thing: I don't think anyone can manage to define their god. People think they believe in the same god, but often have differing ideas of what their god is like. And when the differences get to noticeable, you get disputes and new denominations.

Edited to add:
I also think that way too many theists say they have a "personal relationship with god", but they don't act as it should stay personal. They want their religion involved in politics, education, healthcare, etc...

mykcob4's picture
I actually disagree. I think

I actually disagree. I think people are basically simple. Too simple mostly. I think that they have their god and their opinions defined for them. It's rare for people to actually think. Every person, and I mean every single person is lazy by nature. That comes to thought. There are times when we invest energy to real thought, but most of the time, we don't think that deeply. Yes, you are correct in the fact that there may be 2.2 billion different ideas about what a god is, only because most people don't take the time to actually define a god. And on any given day the same person may have had a million different ideas of that definition. That being said the owners of the god myth define "god" for their obedient followers. Some, very few, define god personally and explore their own mind for their own definition, and are consistent or at least linear in that process. Take any lay person and have them define god. They will give you an off the cuff explanation or just repeat what they've heard. They haven't thought about it that deeply no matter how devout they are.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ mykcob4

@ mykcob4

I agree with you that a lot of people are lazy and I also think many avoid introspection out of fear, they feel comfortable with having their "knowledge about god" served to them by the priests. But if they were to try to define their god, I think they would soon discover that their version differs from others.
Another good point you mention is that their idea of god may change during a single day. The human mind is very good at fooling itself to avoid uncomfortable thoughts.

charvakheresy's picture
Yes it is possible to love

Yes it is possible to love god without religion - BUT WHICH GOD.

I understand and appreciate the point that fanaticism is bread by religion and love of god alone may not be culpable.

However which god to love?

The only mention of God is in Religion and its texts. There is no concept of God outside of religion.

Christians believe in Christ.
Muslims worship Allah.
Hindus have their Tridev and so on.

The moment you say you can love god without religion I am eager to know which God.

If you define a God based on any tradition monotheistic or poly, you subscribe to a religion. If not you have just invented a new God.

Thats the problem with fiction you have to follow someone else or make up your own.

algebe's picture
>ATTENTION !!!. 2-5%

>ATTENTION !!!. 2-5% Americans die and come back to life either in accidents or sickness. They say that while
>dead they saw Heaven , Hell, angels and some claim that Jesus came to them saying he is God.

I was dead for several minutes during heart surgery. My brain was cooled, and my heart was shut down and replaced by a heart-lung machine. Fortunately, the anesthetist got the dosage just right, and I awakened a couple of hours later with no sensation of time having passed, and no experience of heaven, hell, angels or anything else. I'm sure that people who claim to experience sightings during surgery are victims of botched anesthesia. Their experiences are certainly no proof of an afterlife.

I can also report that atheism was a great comfort to me when I faced this potentially life-threatening surgery. I had nothing to fear but nothingness, which is timeless and painless. I'd hate to be a christian worrying about hellfire and damnation as the anesthetic took hold.

JohnNoels's picture
It doesn't matter how

It doesn't matter how successful you are, if you have no humanity then you are a failure. I am a writer and assist my students by providing assignment help to them without making any discrimination on the religious basis. We all should come forward and try to remove this discrimination.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Self promotion mixed with

Self promotion mixed with academic dishonesty. Oh boy!

Aisha Elle Walker's picture
Actually, I believe aliens

Actually, I believe aliens are real. I believe "angels" in the Bible are actually extraterrestrials, but back then people weren't as advanced to know what alien or extraterrestrial means, so they called them angels and thought they were heavenly beings when really they were just unknown creatures...the idea of aliens makes more sense. We'd be selfish to believe there isn't other life forms out there.


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