A Christian teaching is it doctrinal

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bigbill's picture
A Christian teaching is it doctrinal

The ages old Christian thinking says and teaches that there is a place called hell. I know that the old time thinkers mention that hell was a place of torment where there is burning flames of fire and wailing and grinding of teeth But in todays teachings a lot of pastors priest and evangelicals are just amply stating that it is a form of separation and darkness. Do you have an 0pinion on The 18th century preacher Johnathan Edwards who preached a sermon called IN The Hands of An Angry God. To New Englanders back then? Where he goes in great detail about Gods anger and hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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algebe's picture
Hell is a sadistic fantasy
mykcob4's picture
There mere fact that they can
Jared Alesi's picture
I feel like hell for normal
bigbill's picture
You know Jared this is one
xenoview's picture
bigbill's picture
Yes there is a life out there
Jared Alesi's picture
Well for starters, the
Chica__2009's picture
Devout christian-
mykcob4's picture
Oh yes Devout, pray about it
Randomhero1982's picture
This is one of the things I
LostLocke's picture
There are even some Christian
CompelledUnbeliever's picture
I will admit I have not read
Cognostic's picture
@ A Christian teaching is it
Peurii's picture
Hell as a place is an
Sapporo's picture
A moral being would not

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