The Christian Symbol is outdated

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HomunculusThor's picture
The Christian Symbol is outdated

Nowadays, this sign ✝ is not the proper symbol for the Son of God.
This is: ⃠. The naught.
Hee hee hee hee hee... happy/smiley emoticon here.

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HomunculusThor's picture
Argh! In the above the colon
Pitar's picture
Priestly secret? Is it
HomunculusThor's picture
Cool pic, Pitar. Pitar guitar
HomunculusThor's picture
Well, when you nail it that
cmallen's picture
If the knot was so untie-able
HomunculusThor's picture
Thanks for the "wink".
HomunculusThor's picture
Addenda: This cross
cmallen's picture
Excellent point, here. Also
HomunculusThor's picture
Exactly. (Your comments seem
watchman's picture
I've always held a preference
HomunculusThor's picture
A very vicious veracity to
watchman's picture
verily a vichyssoise of
ThePragmatic's picture
I feel a bit ambivalent about
HomunculusThor's picture
To The Pragmatic--
HomunculusThor's picture
Let me just add that God is
Johnny Moronic's picture
HomunculusThor's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
HomunculusThor's picture
I haven't seen Raptor-Jesus
ThePragmatic's picture
What!?? Raptor Jesus is our
HomunculusThor's picture

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