Christian Radio Host Gets 25 To 50 Years In Prison Abuses 11 yr Boy

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ImFree's picture
Christian Radio Host Gets 25 To 50 Years In Prison Abuses 11 yr Boy

Another religious zealot has been caught and revealed as a child molester, and this time it’s a Christian radio host in Michigan.

Police arrested 35-year-old John Balyo at a Christian music festival in June and charged him with sexually abusing an 11-year-old boy in front of another man, Ronald Moser, who brought the child to a hotel for Balyo to have sex with. Apparently, Moser’s job was to bring boys to Balyo at a hotel, where they would get the boys to perform sex acts on them and would take pictures of them.

Video included:

What kind of reception do you think his future inmates will give him?

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mysticrose's picture
This is a sad news I hope his
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
if they are Christians they
ThePragmatic's picture
Why isn't this even
ImFree's picture
Since we just hear about the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
They call that; obeying the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
best dm video that shows this
Domingo De Santa Clara's picture
Thats the little known 11th
MCDennis's picture
Scumbag. But the big issue
algebe's picture
This louse is obviously a non

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