Christian Notions of Proof

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Pitar's picture
Christian Notions of Proof

I don't quite understand how a person absorbed by grand imagery of eternal company with a god in some ethereal place can speak of it as truth, and then by further filtering from that same fantasy-driven imagination proffer fallacious claims as proof. I get it that they are fearful but how does making an effort to counter atheism help them? It's not like turning an atheist into a theist will be advantageous to them and certainly conjuring up additional fantastic claims as proof does not help them in the least.

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algebe's picture
"There is more joy in heaven
William G Peter's picture
Do you know why there's such
algebe's picture
@Peter: "Do you know why
MCDennis's picture
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mykcob4's picture
@Peter PROVE IT! Just prove
ImFree's picture
Peter is entertaining if
ThePragmatic's picture
Peter, similar claims are
mykcob4's picture
It always amazes me that
Dave Matson's picture
The need to convert (or run
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My mom always told me that
ThePragmatic's picture
Peter is an excellent example

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