Christian Dating

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GoldenLotus's picture
Christian Dating

Okay, so I posed similar questions on another thread that addressed to atheists. Now, I want to hear the sides of the theists, Christians, or believers of God. Do you date people from the same faith or are you open to those from other faiths? What do you think about dating an atheist? If you date an atheist, would you try to convert them into your belief system? How important is faith for you and how do you think it could influence your relationships?

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Brandon Titus's picture
I don't think you are going
jamalt's picture
Muslims men are allowed to
CyberLN's picture
Jamal, it sounds to me like
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
I would only marry a nice
Suzanne Rust's picture
I married a fellow atheist
Nutmeg's picture
I suppose I shouldn't really
Ilovequestions's picture
Hey Lily! I'm a Christian so
Kreston's picture
Kreston's picture
The topic of interreligious
JohnRid's picture
JohnRid's picture
DonaldSmith's picture
The Christian dating section


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