Christian Author: Jesus Cured Me of the Gay, and He Can Fix You Too

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xenoview's picture
Christian Author: Jesus Cured Me of the Gay, and He Can Fix You Too

Stephen Black believes that jesus can magically turn gay people straight.

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Burn Your Bible's picture
Why would you not want to be
xenoview's picture
I doubt he was ever gay.
Sheldon's picture
"I doubt he was ever gay."
MCDennis's picture
if he ever was gay, i doubt
Burn Your Bible's picture
I would agree, if he was
Pitar's picture
Something about a leopard and
algebe's picture
It sounds like this guy doesn
watchman's picture
"Jesus Cured Me of the Gay,
LostLocke's picture
To me, being "cured of gay",
jonthecatholic's picture
One of two things is
mykcob4's picture
"I was O+ but god cured me
jonthecatholic's picture
Yeah. The idea of "being
Russian-Tank's picture
I saw a few testimonials like
Chica__2009's picture
I'm glad that Exodus
Sirkenstien's picture
He's not gay anymore....but

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