Christ is divine

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p.desch's picture
Christ is divine

While I lived in Canada, I made an agreement with Father Boniface.
He was a Benedictine Monk.

I asked him if Jesus Christ is the son of God, send a hawk to my house window after you die.

After about six months after he died, I stood at my living room window in May 2012 in my house on Semmering Austria, and a hawk or falcon flew to my window and sat on my windowsill for a few seconds and then flew away.

I have never seen a falcon here before and considered this a sign that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

He came to this world to save and illuminate humanity with the Christ Consciousness (I.e Sermon on the mount and the Golden rule)

Praised be Jesus Christ!!

Semmering Austria



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Kataclismic's picture
I prayed to Ra the sun deity
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
There is not one piece of
David Killens's picture
So you are in the beautiful
Cognostic's picture
Oh DAMN!!!!
Cognostic's picture
I think I ate that hawk.
algebe's picture
Huh. Bird brain.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Its the RAPTOR!!!!!! Take Me
Sheldon's picture
That is a post hoc ergo
Sapporo's picture
This must mean that Mormonism
SeniorCitizen007's picture
I was walking along the
xenoview's picture
SeniorCitizen007's picture
xenoview's picture
So why did it take 6 months
Tin-Man's picture
@Xeno Re: "So why did it
SeniorCitizen007's picture
algebe's picture
@SeniorCitizen007: When hawks
SeniorCitizen007's picture
I was sitting on a bench with
algebe's picture
When I was eight, the little
Sheldon's picture
So Jesus sent a man....and a
algebe's picture
The_Quieter's picture
Okay. Now you just need to
Sheldon's picture
Atually thays notcquite true.
chimp3's picture
Divine does not exist, so...
algebe's picture
@Chimp3: Divine does not
Sky Pilot's picture
Grinseed's picture
This whole hawk/falcon story
Sky Pilot's picture
What did Yeshua ever do that
Sheldon's picture
He endorsed slavery, and

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