Choosing the label Agnostic vs Atheist?

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Lauren's picture
Choosing the label Agnostic vs Atheist?

In the grand scheme of things I feel that I am an Agnostic because I have come to the realization that the concept of a higher spirit is so vast and unexplainable, I believe it is a phenomenon that we as humans cannot grasp no matter what state of consciousness we are in and therefore it is possible for a higher spirit to exist. Having said this, saying I am Agnostic does not mean I am giving the okay for the Christian God or any other higher spirit we are so accustomed to, it just means I cannot explain it or even care to.

At times I feel like simply telling others I am Atheist though because I feel that if I use the term Agnostic people will assume I believe in the possibility of the Christian God's existence and will view me as a partial believer which is the last thing I want people to think. I do not want to support organized religion at all but I feel that the term Agnostic permits this association.

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Zaphod's picture
Eh, either way I am sure no
Lauren's picture
lol yes that's me in the pic
Zaphod's picture
And that me in the picture
Zaphod's picture
So, who is this in the
DarkLight's picture
Don't choose any labels. You
Zaphod's picture
Definitely with Darklight
James's picture
I agree we should avoid
SammyShazaam's picture
If I had to look in my heart
Rob's picture
To religious people both the
Unknowntyper's picture
These terms are not mutually
mysticrose's picture
Well for me, I prefer the
Unknowntyper's picture
I am not sure how that works
Zaphod's picture
When it comes to labels and
mysticrose's picture
Sorry, I mean, I would prefer
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm pretty sure God would
Lauren's picture
Wow, all these labels are
Unknowntyper's picture
Lol... the labels are crazy
SammyShazaam's picture
Thanks for breaking it down,
Unknowntyper's picture
If that was directed toward
mysticrose's picture
I think I'll fall on gnostic
SammyShazaam's picture
I'd like to hear your
ginamoon's picture
I think based on definitions

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