A Cherry-Picking Experiment

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arakish's picture
A Cherry-Picking Experiment

Here is a thought experiment where I have "cherry-picked" certain facts from certain past leaders. This experiment is an attempt to prove how "Cherry-Picking" the facts can affect the outcome of a vote, or anything else for that matter, especially if ALL facts are not used. Furthermore, just by saying this is a "cherry-picking" experiment will also affect the outcome.

However, I would like for everyone who is going to place a vote to seriously think about who you would vote for by using only the four facts as listed for each candidate. Furthermore, this is a "blind" voting where you do not know the name nor the face of each candidate.

Additionally, I would like for all to refrain from just posting a bunch of comments unless you are also actually placing a vote. If you wish to make comments, then "Please" make the first line your vote, then follow with a blank line, then follow with comments. Thanks.

I shall leave this up for a week. Maybe two weeks. Then I shall reveal who the candidates are.

Now on to the candidates:


  • Drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
  • Has two wives.
  • Smokes all the time.
  • Seeks advice from astrologists.


  • Was removed from office twice.
  • Sleeps until noon.
  • Was into opium in college.
  • Drinks a bottle of whiskey each day.


  • Is a vegetarian.
  • Does not smoke, or drink alcohol.
  • Never cheated on his wife.
  • Has several war medals.

Remember, vote for whom you think is best just by the listed facts.

Thanks, for your time.


P.S.- My posting is going to be limited for quite some time. Got back from work on Thursday and later in the afternoon, I suffered a major gall bladder attack. Thus, I need to take it very easy for the next two weeks. Sorry for anyone missing me, as if anyone did. Richard.

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Sheldon's picture
Nice try, but I'm not voting
Alembé's picture
Hi Arakish,
Jared Alesi's picture
This is old. To be fair
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Cognostic's picture
David Killens's picture
IMO with my own knowledge of
chimp3's picture
If I want to cherry pick our
algebe's picture
I'd vote for No. 2, though
Jared Alesi's picture
The other issue with this
Tin-Man's picture
Candidate 2, please.
Tin-Man's picture
Arakish, a speedy recovery to

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