Catholic Church's standard answer to the pedophile crisis

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
Catholic Church's standard answer to the pedophile crisis

Pay no attention to the fact that the vatican consists of depraved morons who are totally incapable of conceiving of anything holier than their extra special ontologically endowed penises which allow them to rape children with impunity; a doctrine they have proudly and meticulously documented in CANON LAW!

(“Canon Law – A Systemic Factor in Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church.”

The abuse is just sin. No need to involve the police or for us to acknowledge responsibility or remorse. We just sent him to confession and that will take care of everything.

Just kneel in gratitude while we hand out this symbol of the sanctity of our penises or we will take it away from you!

As an extra special treat, we will write inaccurate, nonsensical , self gratifying Latin toilet paper that only serve to spotlight the mental illness of the writers. Then we will be dumbfounded that the youth don’t believe our N sick lickals.

But we will educate them at Jesuit schools and bars, where they will learn that if you have a CATHOLIC penis you can rape anyone you want with impunity; just like we did with Kavanaugh.

We will have our head archbishops blatantly lie about anti-pedophile legislation (Chaput and PA Bill 1947) because their top religious responsibility is protecting pedophiles and the bishop’s pocketbooks. They will sponsor believers in Catholic Astrology to write hatchet jobs screaming that anti-pedophile bills “have only one purpose to Stick it to Catholics” because pedophilia is a right and privilege exclusive to Catholics. (Are you sure Bill Donahue isn’t a plant for the KKK?)

When women complain about bishops blatantly lying about protecting pedophiles, we will hand out Bill Donahue’s essay “Women’s Moral Descent” with its theme that men have the right and MORAL OBLIGATION to decide which women deserve to be raped.

Then we will make the archbishop who sponsors this cess pool a permanent member to the Sin Nod on (pant, pant, pant, drool) Youth!

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I guess I only got the front

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