Now the catholic church is claim some of the children sex assaulted gave consent. I don't think children are about to consent for sex with adults. Just one more good reason religion needs to be banned.
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Next they will be saying the parents also gave consent. How? Easy: they took their kids to Catholic church, what did they think was going happen?
Their just trying to get out of paying money out for their naught priest.
How disgusting. Do these scum understand the meaning of the age of consent? Under that age there's no such thing as consent. End of story.
When underage children appear willing to engage in sexual activity, it's a sign that they have been abused before, or that they've been groomed. I'm amazed that even the Catholic church would stoop so low as to use this as an excuse for their pedophile priests.
That's religion for you, not only intellectually regarding the youth of today but buggering them too...
Maybe it's like 10 commandments bingo...
Nothing surprises me when it comes to those smarmy Catholic fuckers.
Hmmm....let me guess. The priest asks the unsuspecting boy - "Hey, I know! Let's play hide the sausage! Wanna play?"
Sicko bastidges. Still, the practice is alive and well in the middle east as a secular cultural norm, Mohamed approved. We need a serious discussion about morality and cultural relativism. In other words, it's a goose versus gander paradox where everyone wants to apply their distinct cultural sensitivity filters to judge others by. How does that "work"?
Everyone needs to ask themselves if they were okay with if someone that is suppose to be a "teacher" (of sorts,) plays "hide the sausage" in their various orifices when they were 10,12,14 (heck, any age!) years old. I think I already know everyone answer. The answer should be universal, its never okay, under any circumstances, ever. All allegations should be taken very seriously, steps should be made to prevent things from happening, and any real evidence should lead to extensive punishment for the person.
I personally think permanent chemical castration, and the rest of their lives dedicated to making reparations that will obviously never come close to paying the debt to the victims, but is at least a start. And paying back the debt to society having to take on the burden of making sure the person will never have the possibility to succumb to their dark tendencies again.
Please tell me that it did NOT say that... because that would be disgusting.