Catholic Church launches Netflix alternative in Poland...

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watchman's picture
Catholic Church launches Netflix alternative in Poland...

Catholic Church launches Netflix alternative in Poland...….

"The Catholic Church in Poland has launched a new streaming service offering all Christian content, as an alternative to Netflix.
The platform, named Katoflix will offer a space to “lead people to God” through the “power of film”, according to its website."

"The platform operates under the Latin slogan, “Vide Opera Dei”, which means “See the Works of God” in Latin, and has the same abbreviation as video on demand (VOD)."

Now its just a guess on my part …… but I'm betting that they won't be streaming "The Life of Brian" ……… or "Philomena" for that matter ….

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dogalmighty's picture
Motherflocker. Those devious
Tin-Man's picture
I'm gonna go out on a limb
David Killens's picture
It's true, I saw it in a
Mikhael's picture
Back in the day I use to
Tin-Man's picture
@Mikhael Re: Deacon rating
Lion IRC's picture
Netflix (The Church of Woke)
Tin-Man's picture
I still miss the good ol'
boomer47's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mikhael - Back in the day I
boomer47's picture
AndreBoarskij's picture
It is unlikely that you will

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