A Case for Eastern religions!

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KaustubhKasture's picture
A Case for Eastern religions!

I have noticed that there are a lot of atheists who are surrounded by a lot of axioms(my opinion).
One of them is ALL religions are harmful or useless(especially by anti-theist).I totally disagree with this.
Another one is that after they think they have disproven Abrahamic religions it is the end of religion in whole.Whereas that is not the case.They still have to face Dharmic religions.I subscribe to Jainism but have a deep respect for Hinduism and Buddhism.People assume that as they do not have many followers,they should ignore them(still Hinduism has more than approximately 900+ million followers).
People who think that they know ENTIRE Hinduism are as ignorant as Christians who are widely blamed by atheist of ignorance towards Science.
The mere fact they bring CASTE SYSTEM in argument against Hinduism is evident of it.

SAM HARRIS's podcast about "Is Buddhism True?" is a demonstration that how much atheist don't know of Eastern cultures.
I do agree that due to regional circumstances westerners are not educated on Eastern religions but, an atheist MUST educate him with some Eastern Religious philosophy.What is amazing about Eastern Religions is that THEY DO ACCEPT ATHEISM IS THERE SUBSET which a lot of atheists don't know about.
I do hope that if someone sees this Forum he/she/ze/zer/it will have a rational stand against Eastern Religions.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
I have to say that I'm very
KaustubhKasture's picture
The whole point of Jainism is
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kaustubh Kasture - I am
The_Quieter's picture
"The mere fact they bring
KaustubhKasture's picture
blinknight can you bring me
The_Quieter's picture
See what you did there? That
KaustubhKasture's picture
Well that is the reason i say
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kaustubh Kasture - ...can you
KaustubhKasture's picture
Well by that statement i
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kaustubh Kasture - Well by
zuzu67's picture
hindus believe in shiva and
KaustubhKasture's picture
Well maybe you do not know
Cognostic's picture
That's a shit job of
David Killens's picture
I was raised a Christian, but
arakish's picture
Well you did miss one other
Cognostic's picture
One of them is ALL religions
arakish's picture
Kaustubh Kasture: Well that
Cognostic's picture
No Kaustubh - YOU NEED TO BE
Sapporo's picture
Religion is harmful because
MrHolbyta's picture
@Kaustubh Kasture
arakish's picture
Hey Mark.
MrHolbyta's picture
Thanks, arakish. It's been a

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