Cardinal Pell returns to Australia to fight charges

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xenoview's picture
Cardinal Pell returns to Australia to fight charges

His day in court won't get here soon enough. He also needs to be for not turning the other priest under him over to the police for raping young children. This cardinal pell is a scumbag that needs to be gang raped in prison for what he did and allow to be done by his fellow priest.

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MCDennis's picture
His conviction cannot come

His conviction cannot come soon enough. Conspiracy to commit rape

MCDennis's picture
Has he been convicted yet?

Has he been convicted yet?

algebe's picture
He was supposed to appear in

He was supposed to appear in court on July 18 (presumably to enter a plea). The media here in Australia have been strangely silent.

A fund has been set up to allow Catholics to donate money to his defense costs.

This author has compared Pell's trial with the Salem witch trials.

LogicFTW's picture
Media spin machine is set to

Media spin machine is set to "vigorous."

Unfortunately after the trump election everyone in the world is now aware of just how effective false information, disinformation etc is, in creating public opinion.

xenoview's picture
The BBC has been very quite

The BBC has been very quite about Pell too.

Randomhero1982's picture
Religion... putting the nonse

Religion... putting the nonse in nonsense...

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