Cardinal Pell charged with historical child sex offences

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algebe's picture
Cardinal Pell charged with historical child sex offences

Cardinal George Pell, one of the biggest hats in the Vatican, has been charged with sex offences against children during his time as a priest and archbishop in Australia. He was severely criticized for the ineffectiveness of his response to institutionalized child sex abuse in his organization in Australia, but this is the first time that he has been charged personally.

It will be interesting to see if he comes back voluntarily, or whether the Vatican will allow him to be extradited. I'm guessing neither.

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Sky Pilot's picture
The Pope might want to read 1
algebe's picture
@Diotrephes; "The Pope might
Sky Pilot's picture
It seems that the Pope is
ImFree's picture
It is really sad to see the

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