Cancer Scare

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chimp3's picture
Cancer Scare

Had an XRay June 1st. Suspicious spot on right upper lung or second rib. Had an Ultrasound that ruled out breast malignancy. Had a CT Scan with Contrast today after it took 3 weeks for insurance to approve CT scan. No CA. Just scarring on lung from a previous fungal infection. In these last 5 weeks I have felt no desire to pray. No desire to respond to friends and family offers of prayer. No desire to thank the Great Bog in the Sky for a good report. Happy to be here at 60 years old with an otherwise good bill of health. Science is awesome!

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CyberLN's picture
So glad to hear that you don
chimp3's picture
I am a Registered nurse and
LogicFTW's picture
Hah don't get me started on
xenoview's picture
Glad to hear your okay chimp.
David Killens's picture
I am glad to hear the test
Delaware's picture
@ chimp3
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Chimp3
Cognostic's picture
Life is what happens while
Tin-Man's picture
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Glad to hear you are ok!
Randomhero1982's picture
Great news Chimp, wishing you
In Spirit's picture
Happy to hear that Chimp
chimp3's picture
In Spirit: I did celebrate
algebe's picture
Great news! Medical science
NewSkeptic's picture
Praise God! Oops wrong forum
LogicFTW's picture
David Killens's picture
LogicFTW, there are many
algebe's picture
@David Killens: Once one
LogicFTW's picture
I will listen to both of your
NewSkeptic's picture
@David Killens
David Killens's picture
I really don't know how to
NewSkeptic's picture
Sounds like a different scale
David Killens's picture
Yes, we are using different
NewSkeptic's picture
"But this isn't a dick
dogalmighty's picture

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