Cancer is divine justice

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xenoview's picture
Cancer is divine justice

Indians have reacted angrily after the health minister from Assam state said cancer "is divine justice" caused by "past sins of a person".
Himanta Biswa Sarma said that people could also get diseases like cancer "because of the sins of their parents".

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Chica__2009's picture
That's not right.
Sheldon's picture
This is hardly a new idea is
Randomhero1982's picture
An idiot with an imaginary
ZeffD's picture
That's the thing about
LostLocke's picture
The one positive thing here
Jared Alesi's picture
This makes me think of how
xenoview's picture
It's sad that the Indian
Sheldon's picture
I look forward to religious
Jared Alesi's picture
The religious institutions
algebe's picture
Without religion we would
bigbill's picture
There may be some truth to
Sirkenstien's picture
You know what else by default
algebe's picture
Devout Christian: "Sin and
Sirkenstien's picture
Meanwhile, god answers all
Sky Pilot's picture
Sheldon's picture
"There may be some truth to
bigbill's picture
My desire to assist someone
Sirkenstien's picture
There you go. You just
algebe's picture
@Sirk: "I do nice things for
Sky Pilot's picture
devout christian,
Sheldon's picture
" I am instructed by paul and
Jared Alesi's picture
There's no such thing as
Randomhero1982's picture
How do you know that you are

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