can you imagine how painful it is?crazy or what?

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mickron88's picture
can you imagine how painful it is?crazy or what?

reenactment of the passion of christ..

i know a lot of foreigners are visiting our beloved Philippines just to witness these absurd reenactment..
would you come and see it first hand??? would you nail your self on the cross for your god???

completely insane...

what do you think?



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mickron88's picture
another one


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RANJEET's picture
same type of bullshit happen


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LogicFTW's picture
Inflicting purposeful trauma
algebe's picture
Those morons didn't hammer
mickron88's picture
believe it or not they have
chimp3's picture
Christianity is surely a
chimp3's picture
Crucifixion is a form of
algebe's picture
<@chimp3Christians glorify
Sky Pilot's picture
Such displays of self
jonthecatholic's picture
I wouldn’t even watch this.
Grinseed's picture
If the Catholic Church really
David Killens's picture
Self-flagellation is a common


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Cognostic's picture
I would love to go as I am
Sapporo's picture
Jesus Christ.
fishy1's picture
Anybody stupid enough to
Grinseed's picture
A poem.
Sky Pilot's picture
Pain and suffering is

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