I have heard the stupid question my whole life: If God is all powerful, then can He make a rock so large and so weighty that even He cannot lift it Himself (for if He cannot--then He cannot do everything--, and if He cannot do everything, then He is there-fore- not the almighty, Who, by definition, can do anything, and so everything; both all of what positives and negatives at the same time at a once very unto the negation of Himself there-fore- as logic dictates, unless there be a hidden differential somewhere in all that shit).
[That is to iterate the “If He can, then He must’ve’d” circular argument.]
I have heard this stupid question too many times, and have thought of it too often…, even while drifting along the fancy vacational bars, on some islands or other, where the drinks are as cheap as the dime-store hookers and the bar itself is a giant fucking fish tank with a few portly stools parked all stodgy in front of it.
(Those poor fucking bar fish! You can point to one of them inside the bar and the bartender understands your point that that’s the one you want for lunch with a few whiskied mashs to wash it all down about with your thus expensively tasteless sandwich.)
Is man as a designer capable of making a jet-airplane that truds through the clouds unable to outpace a turtle? That would be a slow plane. But since man cannot produce such an aeronautically slow-motion feat, there-fore- man does not exist.
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