Can someone who believes in reincarnation be an atheist?

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algebe's picture
I think stories about
Dragonfly's picture
Yes! And it just so happens
Ramo Mpq's picture
xenoview's picture
CyberLN's picture
SfT, you wrote, “Believing in
Cognostic's picture
Someone else reply to this
Dragonfly's picture
Atheism is only the lack of
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Dragonfly
Cognostic's picture
The issue here is that
Sapporo's picture
I consider gods part of the
Dragonfly's picture
And since we don't know if
Sapporo's picture
Dragonfly: And since we don't
Cognostic's picture
I really wish you would take
Dragonfly's picture
Ahh, I didn't know that. In
Cognostic's picture
Again: The word
Sheldon's picture
Lacking one nonsensical
Sapporo's picture
I think those who believe in
Rohan M.'s picture
That's true. Non-backed up
Rohan M.'s picture
No, they are not incompatible


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