Can "god" be all and do all?

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Southern Atheist's picture
Can "god" be all and do all?

In light of the Mexican beer flu that has swept the nation I wondered.

do Christians really believe their god can be everything and anything ?

I've had this conversation recently with several believers.

After debating the subject back and forth for quite a while they all seem to get stuck on "You have to have faith"

So my quote from Sam Harris (look him up! he's awesome)

"Either god can do nothing to stop catastrophes, or he doesn't care to, or he doesn't exist.
god is either impotent, evil, or imaginary"

always makes me giggle

another common answer is "Its part of gods plan"

has anyone herd of a sensible answer to this?

I mean an answer that wasn't a cop-out.

if so please post it I would love to read them

Thank you



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Tin-Man's picture
Southern Atheist's picture
thank you sir!
ronald bertram's picture
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