Can a Christian join in the discussions?

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beneames's picture
Can a Christian join in the discussions?

Hey everyone, yes I'm a Christian but I actually really like the values of AR - freedom of thinking, against oppression and suffering, working towards peace and unity, I like how you look out for each other. Just wondering if it might be ok for me to join in the discussions sometimes? I think we're actually on the same page on some things, and I can definitely learn from people with different perspectives to me. You can all feel free to shoot me down whenever you like, because it's your website and all.

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Lmale's picture
All religions are welcome
Lmale's picture
Hey gregpek look at the time
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Although it is an atheist
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Although it is an atheist
Zaphod's picture
Welcome to the message boards
Lmale's picture
Well said and come to think
beneames's picture
Yeah great question. Has
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Zaphod's picture
That was listed in my
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
you are right you did say
mattyn's picture
Would an atheist be welcomed
beneames's picture
Thanks all. Just remembered I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I'm quite new here, but it
mysticrose's picture
Love to hear new posts from

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