Arguing with a theist is an exercise in futility and a complete waste of time. A blog, podcast, etc. moderated by one atheist and one theist is simply not possible before agreeing on and defining certain terms on which they are in complete opposite corners. What is consciousness, spirituality, the spirit, god and many other very important questions. Once those questions are defined in a way that both can agree on then a conversation may be engaged in.
I think that the most important thing to agree on is the accuracy of the "word of mouth" transmission of information given that the "holy book" was written several centuries after the fact. The other is "ignorance". Which is defined in Collins Dictionary as the "lack of knowledge about something."
In my opinion religion, one and all, is voluntary ignorance since knowledge other than the given in the corresponding "holy book" is rejected a priory without consideration to the veracity or validity of the evidence presented in its favor, and the acceptance of an irrational position without evidentiary support.
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