Can atheists fully cope with tragedies/loss?

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chlomarj's picture
Can atheists fully cope with tragedies/loss?

Recently I have been confronted with the inevitable fact that my grandma, who raised me and shaped me to be who I am, is going to die from cancer within the next few years. This has forced me to realize that I need to be able to fully cope with this fact, or I don't know how I'll go on. I've been talking with friends and family about how I don't believe in any sort of higher power, and I'm worried that I won't be able to fully cope with loss because of this fact. Everyone I've spoken to has basically said that belief in a higher power allows them to go on and to accept the tragedy and loss that they've experienced. This leads me to believe that if I don't believe in a higher power, I won't be able to deal with my grandmother's death, and it's got me worried. So I'm turning to my fellow atheists to ask you my question: can those who do not believe in a higher power fully cope with loss, or is belief in a higher power necessary for this to happen?

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Sapporo's picture
The feeling you have is the
CyberLN's picture
I think the key is in whether
xenoview's picture
algebe's picture
@Chloe P: can those who do
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
I have coped with the death
David Killens's picture
I am an atheist and I just
arakish's picture
@ Chloe
Sky Pilot's picture
Chloe P,
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'd just add that the belief
b_rye's picture
I'm sorry to hear you're
Cognostic's picture
Chloe P: Fascinating
Cognostic's picture
Chloe P: I want to talk
Sky Pilot's picture
IMO the basic emotion that
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I've never considered the
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Sorry to hear about your
Cognostic's picture
Much more eloquent than I.
Tin-Man's picture
Outstanding, SecularSOB.....
NewSkeptic's picture
Not much to add to what
LogicFTW's picture
@Chloe P
arakish's picture
@ Logic
David Killens's picture
"Who says religion solves it
Spectre of Marxism's picture
> can those who do not
Tin-Man's picture
Bravo, Spectre!.... *clapping
David Killens's picture
Life is not copy and paste.
arakish's picture
I am stealing this one, with
dogalmighty's picture
Life and Death, are part of

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